Dragging our Knuckles Back into the Middle East
None of us knows what we think we know, but we all have answers. If that convoluted sentence sounds familiar, it’s the same sort of stab in the dark foreign policy, the Bush 43 administration,...
View ArticleRepublicans scare the ‘Freedom’ out of me!
Well, here we are again in the midst of another world crisis that has the American public scared, ‘Trump-less.’ Since when has America run scared at the mere mention of toddlers and women entering our...
View ArticleIt’s not me, it’s the Press!
The Donald Trump bluster train continues to roll along the tracks with the Carson caboose in tow....
View ArticleThe Human Filibuster
In a one-minute twenty-five second stint on the ABC political program, “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” Donald Trump answered a question with a fifty-second long lie. Trump does not...
View ArticleThanks “for” Giving
I grew up in the mid-Atlantic area of this country, raised by a loving great-grandmother; surrounded by siblings, uncles and aunts. The first Thanksgiving I remember as a child fell nine...
View ArticlePathological Liar
Democratic strategist and attorney, David Goodfriend, described presidential candidate Donald Trump, as a “pathological liar.” Goodfriend’s characterization, was as much out of fear as criticism....
View ArticleHow to be a Good Republican
Rule number one, you have to be willing to accept a false premise as truth, rule number two, live in an alternate reality. These are rules number one and two to being a good Republican....
View ArticleLies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
The descriptive nature of these three lies, made popular in American folklore by Mark Twain, seem to be the new strategy of the GOP. Following the horrific murders that took place at a...
View ArticleWhat are we afraid of?
Why do we allow well-conceived thoughts and ideas to be minimized by conservative zombie, think? These people are annually, perpetually and enduringly wrong. Democrats have allowed Republicans...
View ArticlePOW They're Dead!
The state of Texas is on the verge of repealing the open carry gun ban, which would leave only 4 states that still strictly bans toting your firearm into the local Chipotle. If the food doesn’t get...
View ArticleDancing with the Hypocrites
At last count, fourteen Republicans are still in the race, seeking the nomination for President of the United States of America. It’s easy for me to believe that many of them are in it for the...
View ArticleThe Devil has no Detail
Buckle your seat belts, we are embarking on a yearlong ride of fact-less meandering and strongly worded hyperbole meant to fool the masses. Fascism much? Building walls over thousands of miles of...
View ArticleIt’s the Little Things That Count
I watched the MSNBC, Saturday morning, Melissa Harris-Perry, social advocacy program and had the uplifting spirit the subject matter gave me, tempered with pessimism. The simple things that would...
View Article554 and Counting
Nine days before the most revered day on the Christian calendar, we are reminded of the ignominious events of the Newtown, Connecticut massacre. Twenty children and six adults, dead. Adam Lanza,...
View ArticleConservatism, Cowardice and Crazy
Conservatism has morphed into, if you don’t agree with doing nothing, you’re inherently evil. The confusion in the Republican party was never more on display than in their last debate. Donald...
View ArticleKalief and Ethan
He killed them but he is not responsible because his parents are too rich to have taught him right from wrong. Ethan Couch, has disappeared. Who would have guessed that? In June of 2013, then...
View ArticleDear…Trump
An angry opportunist with distinctive hair, uncompromising arrogance and no grip on factual reality, reared his ugly head again today. For those of you who are thinking Donald Trump, you get the game...
View ArticleMichael, my son… You would have loved the Game
Michael was born March 29th 1979. He was a fine healthy boy, the spitting image of his two older brothers and loved and guarded with a wary eye. One of the great losses of my life was having the...
View ArticleThe Loss of Bravery
The courage to give in is grossly underestimated, much like admitting a weakness or congratulating your opponent in contest, the concept of being brave enough to GIVE IN is widely misunderstood....
View ArticleWhy the Cage Bird Squawks?
“No one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest, than the Donald, and that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter; like, did we fake the moon landing,...
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