None of us knows what we think we know, but we all have answers. If that convoluted sentence sounds familiar, it’s the same sort of stab in the dark foreign policy, the Bush 43 administration, articulated in its effort to justify the invasion of Iraq.
We now have a spate of new and improved neo-con philosophy that says, let’s once more do what did not work. Bad ideas seem to be the new strategy of the Republican Party and amongst its most ardent followers, common sense is taking a back seat to winning an election, at all cost. Donald Trump, wants to bomb the oil fields in Iraq and Syria, but “keep the oil.” He has no tangible plans to commit troops, much like the other John Wayners, but wants the President to do so, but like most arm chair soldiers is afraid to claim responsibility. Ben Carson, after repeatedly being asked by Chris Wallace, to name who would join us as allies in a military coalition in the war against ISIL, sat with stone faced ignorant silence then went into avoidance speak. What would happen after shooting down a Russian plane if they violate a proposed no-fly zone? Carson’s answer was, “we’ll have to wait and see,” truth is he had no idea. Wallace cajoled and pressed for an answer that was not forthcoming.
Jeb Bush, who supports his brother’s policy and hired his neo-con cronies as policy advisors, answer to the ISIL problem, is to only allow Christians from the region as refugees.
This was a once reasoned man who proposed a workable immigration policy, and now is kowtowing to rampant fear mongering and war drum beating by his counterparts. Jeb Bush, who at the beginning of his campaign, sought to create distance between him and 43, is now so afraid of the knuckle dragging hordes that he is tripping over his own pandering feet. This mess was created by a group of policy driven ideologues, bent on “nation building” and war profiteering. A smarter approach is called for this time. Fortunately, President Obama, does not have a pile of rubble to stand on and loudly plant the seeds of war. Hopefully, the axiom defining insanity is known and remembered by us all, before we embark down another road of endless war, expecting a different result.