The descriptive nature of these three lies, made popular in American folklore by Mark Twain, seem to be the new strategy of the GOP. Following the horrific murders that took place at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado, suspected shooter Robert Lewis Dear, was heard uttering a Carly Fiorina lie as shots rang out, “baby parts, baby parts.” Circling the wagons and attempting to bolster the lie with further wrong-headed thinking is Colorado State Rep. JoAnn Windholz who called PP the, “true instigator.” I thought we had gotten beyond her short dress teased him, so it was her fault. Is Rep. Windholz blaming the victims? Was Officer Garrett Swasey, or Iraq War veteran Ke’Arre Stewart and devoted mother and wife Jennifer Markovsky deserving of murder? Especially in light of the logic by those anti-abortion zealots who would tell you, all life is sacred.
Yes, Rep. Windholz issued the perfunctory, my deepest sympathy to the victims and their families statement, but in typical GOP pandering fervor, went on to issue the following edict, “violence begets violence” in her guilt shedding attempt, to place blame on the health clinic.
Ted Cruz, has been so wound up in the ramblings of his own thoughts, he can’t even be coherent. From blaming the rise of crime on the Democratic Party, to speculating that the shooter was possibly a “transgendered (sic) leftist activist.” This leaping lie, was the apparent result of a typographical gender mistake on a voter registration application. Of course no evidence by friends, colleagues, associates, business partners or family even hints at his sexual identity, being other than cismale, but why let something like truth stop the GOP train from rolling down the tracks. It’s it not hard to conclude that over the top rhetoric and dog whistling has reached critical mass, and the inevitable violence we see is the result?
Calls for the expulsion of Latin immigrants has led to beatings, bogus statistics blaming men of color for eighty percent of murders of whites, foments racial unrest and furthers stereotyping. Now we have a call to arms by Representative JoAnn Windholz. “Violence begets violence” Lies, damned lies and statistics, the GOP elephant is feeding at the trough.