Evil Lurks Just Around the Pulpit
I slept in this morning. Far from my usual custom of waking at 7 am, I stayed in bed until noon. We had a bit of snow and sleet resulting in icy roads that closed schools and colleges today so I was...
View ArticleWe ‘… didn’t need to do this.’
Before noon today, President Trump dragged us through another vaudeville show of doublespeak, juggling and the dialogue of a second banana. Again, we heard about marauding gangs, crying women in the...
View ArticleMake America Green Again
The Republican Party is doing its best to recreate a meme using Democratic New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Saul Alinsky, for those of you who have forgotten, came after the failed...
View ArticleYou’ve got your Fascism in my Socialism
With the official entrance of Senator Bernie Sanders into the 2020 Presidential race, out came the predictable ‘socialist’ memes. It had been rumored for days that Sanders would enter the race. In...
View ArticleFalling Off an Empire
Over the past 72 hours, I have learned more about the life of Jussie Smollett than anyone needs or deserves to know. I am a black man and because of his alleged disrespect for a movement that I have...
View ArticleStop Calling the President an 8-Year Old
Stop Calling the President an 8-Year Old I started kindergarten about 6 months prior to my fifth birthday. I was a little reticent but I had on my new Buster Brown lace-ups so I knew I would fit right...
View ArticleBeware of Cohen Bearing Gifts
The man who once bragged he would ‘take a bullet’ for the President did just that yesterday, from the rapid-fire and repetitive accusations from swooning Congressmen Jim Jordan(R-OH.) and the...
View ArticleMaking the Saudis, Russians, and North Koreans Great Again
I woke up this morning to an understandably angry but dignified statement from Fred and Cindy Warmbier. "We have been respectful during this summit process. Now we must speak out. Kim and his evil...
View ArticleReal vs. Fake National Emergencies
With the death toll rising in Lee County, Alabama, that part of Trump’s America is now sadly aware of what a real emergency looks like. I am sure that in the wake of a tornado that has left 23 dead...
View ArticleHillary Versus Reagan
Ok, while many of you are already rolling your eyes, and thinking out loud, ‘not Hillary again’ your reaction may be proving my point. Partly because he is resting in a grave and maybe because most who...
View ArticleJudge Thomas Selby Ellis III, defines White Privilege…
With the words, “…otherwise blameless life” Judge T.S. Ellis III of the U.S. District Court of Virginia explained the quaking anger for people of color when we are caught up in a shaky justice system....
View ArticleAn Apple a Day...
When I was a boy my family, friends, and guardians would get mad at me, not because I made mistakes but because I was unwilling to admit them. If you knock over a lamp, not letting others know exposes...
View ArticleA Safer Ride is not just an Option Anymore
With the re-election of Barack Obama in 2012, the United States decided it would drive a top-rated hybrid for four more years. Much like the top-rated car for that year, Obama was economically sound,...
View ArticleCULT 45
There is a word for drinking the Kool-Aid, listening to Fox News or wearing a tin foil hat, and that word is CULT. Clearly and repeatedly Republican toadies are mimicking the President’s words, “no...
View ArticleThe Witches of West Wing
As we all wallow in the absurdity of the self-proclaimed and false exoneration of Donald Trump, let us remember there were plenty of witches hunted and caught in the West Wing of the White House....
View ArticleWhat is this Neo-Liberal Populism, you Speak of?
Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, and Tulsi Gabbard have spent the past few days revving up a new phenomenon, disparaging liberal resistance. I am not saying that healthcare, the economy, housing, income...
View ArticleThe Overton Window
The former vice president of the Mackinac Center, Joseph P. Overton, may have inadvertently poured the foundation for Donald Trump. Overton preached free-markets, less regulation, and limited...
View ArticleMr. Schiff Goes Off on Washington
In the fast-paced world of the current President’s policy pronouncements, consisting mostly of verbal diarrhea, smart, passionate truth-telling is quickly discounted and replaced by his absurdity. A...
View ArticleDarn you Quixote
The President is just trying to solve a problem. Much like the fictional Cervantes character, Mr. Trump fights windmills and if you have seen him boarding a helicopter, you know why. Whether standing...
View ArticleActing Like a Leader
The current presidential administration has had acting Homeland Security Directors, an acting Chief of Staff and worse of all Donald Trump has acted as President. From windmills to secreted tax...
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