There is a word for drinking the Kool-Aid, listening to Fox News or wearing a tin foil hat, and that word is CULT. Clearly and repeatedly Republican toadies are mimicking the President’s words, “no collusion, no obstruction.” Robert Mueller reportedly has cleared the President and his liege of conspirators[colluders]with the Russian government, but just as clearly said the question of obstruction is still open. In part, the new Attorney General William Barr summarized from Mueller’s report, “The Special Counsel, therefore, did not draw a conclusion—one way or the other—as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction.”
This sort of denial of fact is not polite sycophancy or loyalty it is sick and dangerous fealty to one individual, over the country. Trump is now planning revenge against those he feels persecuted him unfairly for doing what any free democracy would do; investigating the intrusion into one of America’s most sacred trust, our free election system. I stepped out for a breath of fresh air this morning and my neighbor yelled to me from across the street, “ what are you going to write today?” Instead of giving him a preview, of the nothing I had, I walked over and asked what he thought. He looked exasperated, sighed, and said, “man, it’s just what I expected.”
A sad commentary…
I was not surprised at his skepticism but it was sad to see him relegated to the fact that power and lying give you privilege that hard work does not. I listened to White House Deputy Press Secretary Steven Groves, Republican Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio, and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) alternately mimic, lie prostrate and exhume the Hillary Clinton e-mail canard to defend what they know they would not defend if Donald Trump were a Democrat.
Instead of the incessant tinkling of the teacup held by Missy Armitage in the movie Get Out Trump sends his followers to their own hellish sunken place with his mind-numbing repetition, ‘greatest, biggest, smartest, we’ll see what happens’ all in his effort to drown you in the waters of his deepest fears, incompetence.
Blogs, Twitter, Facebook and all other forms of social media will be overwhelmed for the next 48 hours (until Trump steps on his temporary victory) with River dancing, high stepping and end zone backflips by his followers. They will hear that teacup tinkle and ignore all other evidence of provable crimes and say, “ no collusion, no obstruction.” During that previously mentioned conversation my neighbor postured, “so if I am running from the bank, push an old lady into moving traffic, hop in my car, hit a school bus—killing two kids, am finally arrested by the police, but don’t have the stolen money I ditched along the way, they’ll let me go?” I wanted to laugh at his frustration but it was not funny. Truth is not always stranger than fiction.
Donald Trump has done a masterful job at having us take our eyes off his barefaced corruption, lying, cheating and stealing. The press and the public have seen only 60 words, published by Trump’s handpicked lackey, and many are ready to declare him innocent. I am not ready to place my common sense on the auction block located on the lawn’s gazebo just yet.
Vote in 2020 for Change.