The man who once bragged he would ‘take a bullet’ for the President did just that yesterday, from the rapid-fire and repetitive accusations from swooning Congressmen Jim Jordan(R-OH.) and the Trumpettes. I could write a thousand words trying to dent the armor of the Trump defenders but I would get a childish retort like that of Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ.) who entered the following words into the congressional record, “liar, liar, pants on fire!” I was sure, nanny-nanny-boo-boo was going to follow.
Thirty-five percent of America has hitched itself to this wagon load of childish gibberish coming from both the White House and the Republican Party. The GOP has become a neo-political apparatus that likes to boast it is the party of Lincoln but lacks enough collective integrity to fill his stovepipe hat. With all the potential felonies, outlined by Michael Cohen from wire fraud, tax evasion, insurance fraud and campaign finance violations, something Cohen said during his closing statement scared me, “I fear that if he loses[Trump] the election in 2020, that there will never be a peaceful transition of power, and this is why I agreed to appear before you today.”
I watched hour after hour following the closing of the hearing and waited for someone to proffer an explanation of what Michael Cohen meant. Was his foreboding tone a prediction that White Supremacist like Christopher Hasson, or Trump confidante Roger Stone will start their promised civil war if Trump is impeached. Is he predicting that Trump will marshal troops in armed resistance like Venezuela’s President Maduro? I am not sure where Mr. Cohen was going with that declaration but previously, he stated that he spent ten years at Mr. Trump’s side and knows him better than any of the committee members.
Trojan Horse
When the Greeks used subterfuge to enter the city of Troy, I am reminded of the current willingness of the Republican Party to topple its elephant revealing their real plan. I am glad Michael Cohen has “seen” the light but I am wary. Cohen has become the new toy for “Never-Trumpers” to cuddle in their warm embrace. Republican strategist Rick Wilson who still espouses the GOP line of lower taxes on the rich, getting rid of entitlements and slow and steady on healthcare and saving the planet, is making the rounds on all the liberal haunts, MSNBC, CNN, and Bill Maher’s Real Time. Steve Schmidt has become a darling to the left because he criticizes the obvious [Donald Trump]. The man who did so little homework as John McCain’s campaign manager, that he brought us, Sarah Palin, is at it again. His endorsement of Howard Schultz as a spoiler is an indictment of his true politics.
So, while we celebrate Michael Cohen today, this is the same guy who threatened the reporters he stood up for yesterday. In his warning to America about Mr. Trump, Cohen said, "You don't disparage generals, Gold Star families, prisoners of war and other heroes who had the courage to fight for this country...’ the problem with his tearful cautionary words was that he ended them with a contradiction, "This behavior is churlish, it denigrates the office of the president and it's un-American and it'snot you." Mr. Cohen… the lying, the racism, and the cheating are him and for a long while, your complicity made it you too.
Vote in 2020 for Change.