The President is just trying to solve a problem. Much like the fictional Cervantes character, Mr. Trump fights windmills and if you have seen him boarding a helicopter, you know why. Whether standing on the tarmac or the lawn of the White House making his way to the presidential chopper—Marine One, that fluff ball of chaos on his head is just plain fun to watch. It dances and sashays, I tune in every time he boards a helicopter because I swear it is going to do ‘jazz hands’ one day.
In contrast, his Sancho Panza, Mike Pence, is so buttoned down I am reminded of days in my backyard with my best friend Larry. Yes, I had a GI Joe with painted-on hair; the Kung-Fu grip came later. I find myself having to use humor more and more to survive the absurdity of Donald Trump. In the last three days, he has threatened to shut down the border between the U.S. and Mexico, not only to beef up the fight against illegal crossings but to shut down commerce, travel, and tourism. He has either forgotten or is sending a signal to his Nazi cohorts, that his father was born in some mythical town in Germany. He[Donald Trump] may think he is the descendants of royalty but the closest his dad came was the borough of Queens in New York. Today he retweeted a Twitter meme, ridiculing Joe Biden for his treatment of women (thud! Sorry, fell out of my chair).
Yes, the multiple-accused sexual assaulter, alleged rapist and admitted p***y grabber took time from his search for a cure of ‘windmill noise cancer’ to mock the former Vice-President. His audacity is breathtaking, it rattles my brain like the pea in his head. Even the stately old grandpa of the Republican party, Chuck Grassley, called Trump’s comments, “idiotic.” Meanwhile back at the facility, Director of Strategic Communications, Mercedes Schlapp, inserted herself into the Quixote scenario and sped up the windmill of discontent by doing the usual White House dance. She indulged the ever-growing suspicions of what is increasingly become evident, America has a madman in charge. When asked what she thought of the President’s delusions she answered, “I don’t have an answer on that. I, I don’t, I don’t have an answer on that,” Schlapp said when asked if she buys Trump’s claim. “Yeah, I don’t have an — I really don’t have information on that right now.” No Mercedes the right answer is what Lindsey Graham used to say before drinking the orangeade, Donald Trump is a “jackass.”
One dumb thing after another…
Senator Graham has proven that he too can chase a windmill. The guy who once staunchly defended his friends, called out absurdity, and was a fierce patriot, has been reduced to screaming tirades in defense of a Supreme Court Justice who was credibly accused of rape. Turning a blind eye to Russian deceit and even more egregiously if you can get any lower, is his complete turnaround on defending his “best friend” John McCain. There was a lot to dislike about John McCain’s politics but he does not deserve the treachery of Lindsey Graham’s friendship. Trump, to his followers, is a knight in shining armor. That armor has long since been tarnished and “tilting at windmills” will not vanquish his real transgressions.
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