Trump’s Un-Civil War
What is the one thing that would cause you to take up arms against your neighbors? The answer, the abduction of your children. I may have nightmares for saying this, but Trump is maniacally brilliant....
View ArticleThe Lesser of Two Evils?
I am always reluctant to write articles critiquing liberals because it too often comes off as a superior moral judgment. That is not my intention, nor is that the point I want to make. In the midst of...
View ArticleA Strzok, the Pill For Republican Fever Dreams
Donald Trump is right. After listening to hours and hours of droning harangue by “biased” Republicans, President Trump really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose a vote; at least not a vote...
View ArticleDiff’rent Strokes
Okay—okay, I have finally figured out Donald Trump. I know it can be mind-boggling playing chess when his brain plays Chutes and Ladders but follow me. The various leaders of the world gave us the...
View ArticlePlease, Tease and Appease
The term Gaslight which has existed in the popular lexicon since the 1944 movie, of the same name, is used to the pop culture exclusion of millennials and maybe even baby boomers although both are...
View ArticlePutin Grabbed America by the Trump
Clarity has never been the hallmark of any speech or proclamation uttered by Donald Trump, but this week he outdid himself. While new NATO member, Montenegro, was left quaking in the boots of their...
View ArticleThe Fascist and the Furious
The world is recognizing that if Donald Trump is not a fascist, he should have been an impressionist, he does a great Putin puppet. Not a mime, because the wall of unreality is real to him; not a...
View ArticleAmerica, the World’s National Enquirer
The next time you are two-deep in a grocery store line and perusing the bins of entertainingly wild headlines equate that with how the United States must look to the rest of the world. You know the...
View ArticleWell, Collusion is a Crime…
The last infamous circumstance that I can remember someone close to the White House having something thrown at them was a President, one George W. Bush. On a visit to Iraq in December of 2008, Iraqi...
View ArticleOthello and Jim Acosta
In a gender role switch of Shakespearian proportion, Sarah Huckabee Sanders did her best Othello impression, in yesterday’s White House Press availability, and suffocated any nod to truth and fairness...
View ArticleYes, This is Another Preachy Sermon…
Remember when you were in Sunday school and the Bible teacher scared you into submission. You dared not talk or move, aghhhh… Most of us tuned out right after the question, “have you thought about your...
View ArticleWhen Bad People Do Good Things… for the wrong reasons.
Innate Immunotherapeutics was in the final stages of developing a drug to arrest the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis in 2017. The experiment failed and consequently so did the money that was invested....
View ArticleThe Inability to Accept Responsibility
There is a running joke in the black community that begins with the phrase, “what had happened was…” Generally, those words are followed by an excuse or an outright lie. The political version of that...
View ArticleAmericans Against the Surreal-Asylum
Watching TV these days is becoming an exercise in the surreal-asylum. Distinguishing between Dr. Phil and the Trump administration’s carnival of the absurd is becoming as difficult as catching smoke...
View ArticlePlease…Someone Vote Me Off The Island
I take immense pride in the fact that I have never watched a minute of any reality TV show. This is not a moral judgment or declaration of superiority, after all I have watched professional wrestling...
View ArticleDay Dreaming and I’m Thinking of You
Most of us have experienced—at some point in our lives, the truism “life comes at you funny.” Nine days ago, one of the lights of my life was dimmed when my thirty-six-year-old Goddaughter passed away...
View ArticleSound of Silence
“And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made And the sign flashed out its warning In the words that it was forming”- Simon and GarfunkelWhen Paul Simon began penning the classic song...
View ArticleCrossing the Red Line
As of 7:28 pm Tuesday evening, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was the only Republican lawmaker to publicly comment on the double whammy of court convictions and pleas by former Trump confidants. Of the...
View Article“The only reason I gave him the job…”
Donald Trump told us on more than one occasion that former FBI Director James Comey, was a liar when he claimed the President tried to elicit his loyalty instead of giving it to the United States of...
View Article…but Then There Was the Time
One of the accurate gauges of a politician’s effectiveness is when they are loved on Monday and hated by Friday. I spent the weekend informally polling family and friends, hoping to get a handle on...
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