As of 7:28 pm Tuesday evening, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was the only Republican lawmaker to publicly comment on the double whammy of court convictions and pleas by former Trump confidants. Of the collective 26 felonies levied against Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen, they agreed to or were convicted of 8 each. Graham essentially adopted the Trump trope and fell back on the tested line of ‘no collusion.’
Following their verdicts and guilty pleas, the predicted flood of Republican stalwarts crossing the red line and denouncing the criminality of the sitting President’s men, has yet to overflow the dam of conservative thought. Unlike a lot of pundits awaiting the crisis of conscience to finally strike the minds of the “American heartland” and the current congressional majority, you may want to strap on the oxygen mask; holding your breath could be fatal.
What came out in the Cohen procedure is what we already knew. Somehow the stark reality of truth, despite Rudy Giuliani’s redefinition, brought home the bacon of a smarmy administration that from the beginning has wallowed in the mud. In counts 7 and 8 of the government’s indictment against Michael Cohen, he confessed that Donald Trump along with the National Enquirer conspired to defraud the American public. At least two-hundred and eighty-thousand dollars was paid to two of an alleged bevy of women in Trump’s stable of paramours.
The man who once famously said he would ‘take a bullet’ for President Donald J. Trump, instead opted to try and avoid a bad fashion statement and not wear an orange jumpsuit. The sitting President of the United States is the first President since Richard Nixon to be described as an unindicted co-conspirator to a crime while in office. In plain terms, the President has been identified as “Individual-1” in a federal crime. All the people Trump chose to be on his team and are swimming in the ladle of swamp soup he promised to clean up, seems not to affect his supporters or party members.
As children playing in little league, we learned the old adage that, “winning isn’t everything, it’s how you play the game.” For the Trump administration and anyone who travels in his sphere of influence it’s not playing the game, it is how much Vaseline you can put on the ball.
Democratic pollsters and moderates keep posturing the idea that we need to go after that anxious, angry and fragmented Trump Democrat to win elections.
I agree the Democrats need a cohesive approach but we cannot be lemmings following the blind Trump loyalist. Eventually, that will take us all over the proverbial cliff, as evidenced by Trump’s faithful bootlickers, seventeen months into his presidency. I caught a glimpse of Democratic House Intelligence committee member Rep. Joaquin Castro’s (D-Tx) call for immediate hearings into the blatant campaign violations, confessed to by Michael Cohen, where he directly implicated the President. After I got past my wistful hope for sanity and justice, and good hearty belly laughs, the truth is the truth Rudy; the current Republican Party will be dormant because they have decided that lying, cheating, and stealing Supreme Court seats is the new American virtue.
Vote in ’18 for Change.