The Supreme Court Ruled Only Black Bodies, Not Minds, Have Value
I received a call from a white friend mid-morning yesterday with the assumption that I would be livid over the Supreme Court effectively striking down Affirmative Action in its ruling involving the...
View Article'Mourning' In America || Opinion
In 1984 Ronald Reagan ran a re-election campaign ad entitled ‘Morning in America.’ In his first election in 1980, the former President implored, “Let’s make America great again;” sound familiar?...
View ArticleOn the Street(s) Where We Live
While our dogs and cats hid under beds or looked for the comfort of their owners’ arms or donned thunder jackets, life and death continued in the streets where we live. Yesterday was the Fourth of...
View ArticleIs SCOTUS Becoming a Defacto Congress?
The Republican party has unveiled a party trick on America that seems to work more often than not. Famously Karl Rove, known as Bush’s brain, figured out the best defense is to turn logic on its head....
View ArticleThere is a Black History Some Want to Ignore
When I was a small child, my great-grandmother would tell me stories about slavery. Not that she was enslaved because she was born in 1900. I thought that was so long ago; how can she know anything...
View ArticleMitch, You Can't Play the Name Game, but You Can Call Out Tommy
First, it is cringeworthy to share my middle name with the Senate minority leader from Kentucky, Addison Mitchell McConnell; not as serious, but I understand the pain of kids—now men—called OJ. As a...
View ArticleIt is Past Time to Pat Joe Biden on the Back
Republicans seem shocked that President Biden can string together a sentence without drooling, while Democrats like me are not surprised. Having watched the presidential debates between Donald Trump...
View ArticleOpinion || Wrestling with Human Rights, Civil Rights, and Politics
As much as I try to view myself as a sophisticate, something always reminds me of the schlub I am. Thankfully, my uproarious laughter at the Three Stooges or screaming at professional wrestlers reminds...
View ArticleThe Republican Party is Openly Plotting to Steal America
There is a perfect storm brewing in America, and few of us are reaching for the umbrella. I am not the first to say it; in chaos, you can steal. The late radio bomb thrower Rush Limbaugh discussed...
View ArticleThe Choir is Talking to Ron DeSantis
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis polished his teeth and hair and made nice with CNN anchor Jake Tapper in a televised interview Tuesday. Like most would-be opponents of Donald Trump Governor DeSantis was...
View Article“All you had to do was stop, brother!”
When 23-year-old black Tennessee truck driver Jadarrius Rose was stopped by state troopers in Circleville, Ohio, the ensuing events shocked one officer, disappointed another, and was just another day...
View ArticlePromises Made, Promises Broken
All my life growing up as a young, now older, black man in this country, I have been told of the promise of America. I believed in the promise that all men are created equal, despite how the original...
View ArticleHow to Destroy a Legacy without Really Trying
It was bad enough when the son of one of America’s legendary politicians decided, inexplicably, that he would challenge the incumbent President of his late father’s party. As if throwing dirt on his...
View Article...and the Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round
Another co-defendant was named last week in the now 40-count willful retention of documents indictment against former President Donald Trump. To this point, Mr. Trump needs the silence of his body man...
View ArticleThe Indictments of Trump Prove the January 6 Trials Were Necessary
The third and maybe not last indictment of former President Donald J. Trump yesterday justifies every arrest, trial, and conviction of the rioters on January 6. Do I believe that some of the...
View ArticleShouting Fire in a Crowded Country
As much as Donald Trump and his sycophant entourage try to muddy the waters, the growing sense of his guilt is evident. Even with his lawyers wearing the mantle of disinformation by pleading his 1st...
View ArticleCommentary || The Most Patriotic People in America
Loyalty is tested when things go wrong. When Columbus sailed the ocean blue, besides being lost, he claimed previously discovered and occupied land for Spain. Thus began what we know as colonization....
View ArticleIt’s Not the Heat; it is the …
If I were to tell you of a legally described rapist, guilty of bilking hundreds of thousands of dollars to which he paid a 25 million dollar fine, incited a riot, and tried to subvert the voting will...
View ArticleStating the Obvious Does Not a Statesman Make
America has come a long way since Lincoln said a “house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free, ” or when John Kennedy, with...
View ArticleRepublican Anger is Killing Us, Literally
The murder of a California business owner is the latest killing by either a close-minded conservative, far-right extremist or just plain evil. Laura Carleton, the Mag Pi clothing store owner in San...
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