Lost among the fiction of Kellyanne Conway’s “alternative facts” and “what’s in his[Donald Trump] heart” rather than what’s come out of his mouth,”www.politico.com/... sits a more dangerous spokesman, Sean Spicer. “Scary Spicer,” thanks for the line Stephanie Miller, is using the phrase, “we can disagree with facts.” A disagreement with known facts is called self-delusion. Right out of the box the White House spokesman is co-opting his credibility and therefore the White House. They are trying the new excuse of denying any “intention” to lie or mislead www.washingtonpost.com/.... This is how fascism starts, denying academia, individualism and the truth.
Spicer is now donning the uniform of the day, a dark suit, per Twitler’s edict, to add class to the daily bending of fact dailycaller.com/....
Thank God Mr. Trump was not advising President Lincoln, who was often criticized for his appearance. As an African American man, I could still be in bondage. Donald Trump made a threat last night to call in the Feds to quell violence in Chicago www.msn.com/....
As usual he exaggerated the statistics with, “alternative facts” and ignored the danger of declaring martial law on a city in a sovereign state legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/.... The last President to do this was the aforementioned Lincoln, whom Trump would have declared ineligible due to inappropriate dress.
So, in five days Trump has floated the trial balloons of invading Iraq to “take the oil,” declaring war on a portion of the population in Chicago and investigating up to five-million ‘alternative’ voters, for fraud. I am interested to see how long my fellow Americans put up with this nonsense. I cannot help but think had former President Obama done or said half the things President Trump had said, Sen. McCain was a coward, questioning the patriotism of a Gold Star family or called minority communities, essentially, hell holes what would have been the reaction?
I dare say the picket signs, torches and nooses would have been held high at the Obama residence. A few hours later he would have been forced to withdraw from not only the campaign but life. I keep waiting for the patriots in our Congress, the just, and the brave to right this egregious wrong. Alas I have resigned myself to live out the verdict of the political process, my side lost, but that does not mean I will give in to tyranny without a fight. The election also proved that more Americans liked and voted to maintain the change we put into office in 2009 www.usatoday.com/.... The trend of Democrats winning popular votes and losing power dates back to Al Gore in 2000 www.fec.gov/.... The vaulting is great but Democrats have got to learn how to stick the landing.
I had a conversation this morning about disappointment and anger. I told my friend anger is not always misplaced it just must be controlled. I said to him the American Revolution was the result of controlled anger.
In response, he wants to explore the idea of running for local office to which I say, don’t worry about blue suits or stylized lies, remember the truth is an easy master to serve.
Vote 2018, it’s not too late!