UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, cut through the red tape of diplomatic language this past Friday in NY and described Aleppo, Syria as a “synonym for hell.”www.theguardian.com/.... The Secretary went on to say the goal of substantive help can only be achieved through “compassion, justice and accountability.” America, whether we like it or not, leads the world as its arbiter, its enforcer and its soul. In the recent election of Donald Trump the USA has reached a crisis of its own soul. We have failed the world and failed the promise of our advancement from genocide and slavery.
The Trump presidency promises an Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who was so despised for his racism, by his own party, he was denied an appointment as a federal judge,www.washingtonpost.com/... a White Nationalist, Steve Bannon, who openly touted his online publication, Breitbart News as a platform for racist www.forbes.com/... and a National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, who traffics in innuendo and outright lies talkingpointsmemo.com/.... So these are the people who will help form the policy of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, have the ear of the President of the United States in adjudicating the life and death of people of color in foreign lands and an openly hostile religious bigot www.cnn.com/....
The incoming President has lauded the accomplishments of a man, Vladimir Putin, who along with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, has and is butchering thousands of innocents, including babies and women. He has made calls upsetting the tenuous one-China policy between China, Taiwan and the U.S., not out of some grand strategy but I believe due to his ignorance of world affairs. If Aleppo is a hell now, only Armageddon can top it. The U.S. has installed just the type of government at home to achieve this hellish outcome.
The baby steps of any new President generally start with small obstacles in his path to test his steadiness of foot. President-elect Trump has already tripped over the first push toy in his way. Mr. Trump who wants to hire a general nicknamed “mad dog” said of the Chinese seizure of an American tactical drone, “We should tell China that we don’t want the drone they stole back-let them keep it!” No explanation as to why, just a childish retort. He also called it “unpresidented(sic).” That tweet which came from the man who says,” I have the best words” was scrubbed. The unprecedented election of the first American despot is scaring the world of civilized nations but is bringing smiles to America’s critics mainly the Russians and Chinese. The children of our would-be ruler are attending high level meetings with foreign leaders and his daughter, Ivanka, is moving her base of operations into the office of the soon to be former First Lady, Michelle Obama.
His big game hunting sons www.huffingtonpost.com/... are set to run a blind trust of never before seen proportions for a President. Do any of you reading this believe Mr. Trump will not have his thumb, tiny though they may be, on the scales of his private financial interest? One of my favorite movies is “Ghost” starring Patrick Swayze and Whoopi Goldberg. One of the memorable quotes from the movie is “Molly, you in danger girl”
To that I say, “world you in danger girl!”
Vote 2018 it’s not too late!