General David Howell Petraeus , as the commander of the 101st Airborne division, courageously commanded the incursions that led to the fall of Baghdad. He led decisive assaults through Ninawa Province into Mosul and was credited with the most effective ‘hearts and minds’ policy of the Iraq War. General Petraeus despite a stellar career sold out his country by trading classified secrets to a woman for the pleasures of her company. The honored paratrooper betrayed his family and his country.
Marine Corps (once and always) General John Francis Kelly who served the United States with pride and esteem had probably the lowest moment of his career when his son First Lt. Robert Michael Kelly was killed in action on November 9th, 2010. In October of 2017, the elder Kelly stood before the nation, dissembled, defamed and brought dishonor to himself with a provable lie about Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D-Fl).
Lt. General Michael Thomas Flynn served his country for 33 years as an active Army officer and later as the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency. A very short-lived stint as the National Security Advisor has brought us to this ka-bar spork in the road. What has happened to the generals, does military heroism release them from the fidelity, the truth, and the honor they all swore to uphold? Increasingly I have heard conservative pundits and one blonde ‘View’ host tell us that any words of criticism toward these men are not justified because they were “heroes.”
Using that logic any vet who has cheated on his wife, lied on a colleague or taken money from an illegal source is not guilty because they wore a uniform. Let me first say I have not served in any branch of the military but I have a father, a son, a sister and three uncles, I admire greatly, who spread their service over 3 branches of the American military. Their service ranged in time from World War II, Korea, through the First and Second Gulf Wars. So, before my detractors turn me into a kneel-er before the flag, hear me out. When does dishonor replace honor; is there a time frame, a lie or a crime that exempts you?
I watched Lt. General Flynn walk into the E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse with a smirk yesterday morning and leave with the grimace of the stark reality that as Judge Emmett Sullivan said, “ you sold your country out.” Maybe with a little prophetic justice, protest placards obscured the thought bubbles about his head with words that read, ‘Lock Him Up and Putin’s Puppet. I would never disparage the bravery of men who have done what I have not, or am not sure if I could, but that does not release them from accountability, culpability, and humility.
Raising men to the lofty heights of infallibility only makes the fall farther and harder. We all need to take a moment to admire these men but remember the words of Judge Sullivan as he turned to the flag in his courtroom, “ I mean arguably, that undermines everything this flag over here stands for.”
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