The Republican dogma of gun registration, being a trick, has long been used as a vehicle to deride liberals for wanting to drive guns out of the hands of “law abiding” legal gun owners.
Conservatives and the NRA will tell you it is a repeat of the Nazi plan, first find out who owns guns, then confiscation. Leave our states’ rights alone, we can regulate ourselves; keep the Feds out of our business, conservatives will say. Now imagine an election being run by an incumbent administration that has a personal data base of your voting history, financial records, your party affiliation, numbers of times you voted, birthdays, past and current addresses and even a partial listing of your social security number?
That is the nightmare gun enthusiast have, long speculated about, and held up as the ultimate plot. If we stand by quietly it will happen in another way or at least the attempt is being made. Donald Trump authorized a known voter suppression advocate [Kris Kobach] to vice-chair a Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity The commission, headed by Vice-President Mike Pence (no conflict of interest there), is tasked with gathering information from some of the same people who would cry foul if they were asked for the same information at a gun show. The obvious hypocrisy is staggering. Trump has publicly stated his delusions, that some 3 million illegal voters are responsible for his losing the popular vote to Hillary Clinton.
If you believe that, I have some delicious steaks and membership to a great university to sell you… no wait.
Mr. Trump has a history of shady dealings with underworld characters like Joey “no sox” Cinque He[Trump] has been sued by vendors for nonpayment, accused of rental housing discrimination and a now famous video admitting sexual abuse of women
The American public is now expected to believe that Donald Trump, motivated by a selfless love of country, is solely focused on stopping voter fraud. Pardon me if I question his infamous “authenticity.” The President of the United States is questioning the citizens of his country but defends Vladimir Putin. American intelligence apparatus has unanimously agreed that Russian hacking into the 2016 Presidential election took place. That sort of international interference is not the concentration of the White House, instead Donald Trump is focused on how he can market his plastic bound electoral maps for future sale. Maybe I am overstating the problem, selling a bogus product has never stopped him before.
I fear the American people are abdicating our responsibility as citizens. The country was preoccupied with Mika and Morning Joe tweets for most of last week and it was topped off with an ironically ‘fake wrestling’ video, featuring the leader of the free world (no not Angela Merkel) Sunday morning. America is literally caught in a reality show nightmare, a web of provable lies, inflammatory rhetoric, sexism, name calling and now staged tv fights.
What next? Claims of taped conversations and wiretapping… oh yeah, got the t-shirt.
Alarms bells sounded when former President George W. Bush pushed the envelope to the edge of the table with his commandeering of privacy rights following 9/11. This is the next step. For you gun owners who lived in fear that Obama was coming for your guns, beware Trump is coming for your freedom.
Vote in 18’ and Change.