In the past few days the Senate Judiciary Committee, headed by Chuck Grassley(R-Iowa), has lambasted the Democrats on the committee for delaying the appointment of Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions. Sessions is set to replace former Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Yes, the same Loretta Lynch who waited over 160 days for her confirmation. Grassley, in explaining the delay of Ms. Lynch said, “no one disputes that she has an impressive legal background,” the “question for me from the start has been whether Ms. Lynch will make a clean break from his [Obama] policies and take the department in a new direction”
The dispute with former President Obama was about his executive orders and the enforcement of immigration laws. Senator Sessions accused Ms. Lynch of denigrating the Congress. Sessions who has been amid racial controversy, since his days as an Alabama prosecutor, is now under that same ideological gun once pointed at Loretta Lynch. The pomposity and hand-wringing over Sessions is laughable. The idea of Republicans belly aching over allowing a President to install the people he wants seems hypocritical when it comes from a party that literally circumvented the Constitution and denied former President Obama the right to have hearings for his Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland.
Garland was described in an NPR.Org., March 16th 2016 article, as having ‘The Perfect Background’ It could be argued that not only do the credentials of Merrick Garland match Neil Gorsuch, but may exceed them.
Facts and figures mean little in Republican debate these days and in my opinion, unfortunately, neither do ethics. No one expressed any dispute with the character or veracity of former AG Lynch it was all about opposition to President Obama. The nominees of Mr. Trump have been disastrous but they soon may be in charge of major policy. Rick Perry did not know the function of the Energy Department, he thought the job entailed being a liaison between the administration and oil and gas concerns. Betsy DeVos could not say guns in schools was a bad thing because, grizzly bears in Wapiti, Wyoming may be a threat Just today, National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, who has previously stated, "We are facing another 'ism,' just like we faced Nazism, and fascism, and imperialism and communism," Flynn said. "This is Islamism, it is a vicious cancer inside the body of 1.7 billion people on this planet and it has to be excised" put Iran on notice today. Abraham Lincoln is famous for putting together a ‘team of rivals’ in his cabinet, Trump wants a team of rebels, no matter what the cost. Just like his appointment of Neil Gorsuch last night, it all seems like a big game of ratings through chaos. The chaos he can inflict upon the world is incalculable, without a strong voice like a Loretta Lynch or a Sally Yates. We waited over 160 days for a voice of reason and distinction with Loretta Lynch, why are Republicans in such a hurry to install a suspected bigot with enough antipathy for government, he would not shed a Schumer tear if it fell. The right of dissent and the lack of judicial recrimination for lawful assembly is what this country is based on. Mr. Sessions reportedly disagrees, ‘Mr. Sessions ... stated that he believed the NAACP, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Operation PUSH and the National Council of Churches were all un-American organizations teaching anti-American values,'' Figures testified. ''The statement clearly was not intended as a joke.'' Figures also said he was present when Sessions said he believed the Ku Klux Klan was OK until he learned its members smoked marijuana – a statement Sessions has said was clearly made in jest. ''I certainly took it as a serious statement,'' Figures said
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