The American people need to stop expecting humility and humanity from the shameless. As we had heard many times before, prayers, mental disease, and defense of ‘more’ guns were offered as cover for the gun lobby. Moments after being informed about—what turned out to be, the shooting deaths of at least nineteen children and two adults, Texas Senator Ted Cruz made a political speech accusing Democrats of playing politics. “Inevitably, when there’s a murderer of this kind, you see politicians try to politicize it. You see Democrats and a lot of folks in the media whose immediate solution is to try to restrict the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens,”said Cruz. “That doesn’t work. It’s not effective. It doesn’t prevent crime,” he concluded.
The direct correlation between guns and death in the United States is no longer debatable. America has less than 5% of the world’s population, yet, we have 40 percent of the developed world’s privately owned guns and the highest per capita gun killings of any other industrialized nation. The honest debate is how much destruction of life we are willing to accept. Some of the bodies are not in the ground yet from the Buffalo shooting, and less than two weeks later, parents, siblings, and loved ones are wondering how they will cope with young death. Friday, Senator Cruz and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will address an NRA group still yearning for the caress of Charlton Heston’s “cold dead hand.” A humane group of people would cancel the event, especially since it will be held in the same state as the slaughter of 19 children. I hope they will, but the GOP’s superpower is their shamelessness.
Ted Cruz boarded a flight to Cancun while his fellow Texans froze to death during a freakish winter storm and power outage. Not only was he caught slinking through the airport, but when called out, he blamed his daughters. “With school canceled for the week, our girls asked to take a trip with friends,”Cruz wrote. The same Ted Cruz who displayed his “crazy brave and phony tough” when Donald Trump disparaged his wife’s appearance to only back the former President’s candidacy months later. “I don’t get angry often. But you mess with my wife, you mess with my kids -- that’ll do it every time. Donald, you’re a sniveling coward and leave Heidi the hell alone,”exclaimed Cruz.
The Democrats have tried compromise, shame, and testimony from victims’ families. Senator Chris Murphy( D-CT) begged, literally, his Republican colleagues to join Democrats and do something. So I suspect shamelessly and mustering all the rancor he can for “liberals,” Senator Cruz will double down and call for more guns in school. “I’m here on this floor to beg, to literally get down on my hands and knees and beg my colleagues. Find a path forward here. Work with us to find a way to pass laws that make this less likely,”said Murphy. It is not fear of the base that dissuades Republicans from saving our children’s lives; it is the pursuit of power and money. It is easy to be thoughtless when you can pray without shame.
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