Channel: William Owens/ReasonaBill
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A Robe by any Other Name…


   Lynching, torture, rape and murder, is the legacy of the Ku Klux Klan. Donald Trump’s response concerning one of its celebrated leaders, David Duke….” I just don’t know anything about him.”

Jeffrey Lord(I’m not kidding), a Trump surrogate, says Trump’s lukewarm denunciation of the group is not the problem, because the KKK is a creation of the Leftist Progressive movement.  I watched in sheer amazement as Mr. Lord, sought to blame the activities of the followers of the KKK on Blacks and Liberals who, “play the race card” and divide America. The illogic of this argument is so stunning it took my breath away. This harkens back to blaming a woman for her rape because her skirt was too short. Simply stated, Jeffrey Lord is a foolish sycophant looking for any excuse to explain a party that has willingly adopted, homophobia, sexism, racism and just plain hatred, as a political strategy.  

Gov.Chris Christie, who once denounced Trump, in the strongest terms possible, has now assumed the role of bouncer at his pseudo Klan rallies.  That description may sound harsh but what do you call gatherings of white angry men and women who shove, hurl racial epithets and bodily throw people to the ground for exercising a Constitutional right to assemble and protest? At the Edmund Pettus Bridge, it was a barbaric show of bigotry and hatred.  On the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee in 1968, it was called murder and in America today, it’s called the Trump campaign.  This behavior, unfortunately, is not exclusive to Mr. Trump. After a strong repudiation of his racially charged views, House Speaker, Paul Ryan, said he would back Trump if he were the Republican nominee.

Has all semblance of decency been sacrificed for political expediency?

So now Marco Rubio and Raphael “Ted” Cruz, tell you Trump is horrible figure, but support his xenophobia, invasion of a woman’s uterus and repealing of civil rights for the LGBT community.   These men who want to destroy healthcare, for some made up replace and repeal idea, deport eleven million immigrants, thus separating families and take away a right granted by the Supreme Court for equal treatment for lesbians, gays, bi-sexual and transgender people to pursue happiness. My America stands for the right of all people and the fair treatment of those trying to come here for a better life.  Afterall, where would Mr. Cruz and Mr. Rubio be had Donald Trump, been President when their families were emigres? Perhaps, on the other side of a wall being screamed at by the Klan.

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