I listened to a self-identified “Progressive” Danielle Guilday, go on a radio screed Thursday afternoon. I had every inclination to agree with her point until she jumped all over, what may be, an Obama strategy to force the hand of the Senate, by floating the name of Nevada’s Republican Governor, Brian Sandoval, for appointment to the Supreme Court. She went on to excoriate the President, for compromising from the middle, giving up his bargaining position by offering what looks like a bipartisan peace offering. I do agree in the face of an open challenge to his Presidency, by the Republicans, this could be seen as capitulation, but President Obama, has pulled a rabbit out of the hat on many occasions.
Progressives, have long ago given into the right wing by adopting the peacemaking moniker, to appease Reagan Democrats and right wing radio propagandist. I have listened to explanations numerous times, the political nuance of not being called a Liberal. I am not buying any of it. It was done as a cowardly attempt to seem less extreme and less threatening. Meanwhile the, big C, conservatives have entrenched their position with open defiance of women’s rights; the rights of immigrants and the rights of both unions and laborers. What exactly did I get from the so-called progressives who constantly criticize the President for, “giving in too easily?” Low voter turnout in 2010.
I am not a member of the Democrat[sic] Party or a Progressive free spirit. I am a proud and loud Liberal member of the Democratic Party. Liberals brought us Social Security, Medicare and a five-day work week. Liberalism instigated the halt to the Vietnam War. I was standing shoulder to shoulder with Liberals in protest marches, in front of the White House in 1970. I admire the ideas of progressivism; I admire the stated goals. My anger is rooted in allowing the ease and glee the Republicans took in defining people of my political persuasion and we accepted it without a fight. I see no throngs of Progressives daily in the streets of America protesting, but lots of tweets. Four Liberals students died on the campus of Kent State University in May of 1970 to stop the madness. We took a shot at real Liberalism with the, Occupy Wall Street movement, Progressives sat back and let the Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh crowds call them fools and vagrants. I thought that moment would galvanize us into a Liberal Democratic Party that would say, “Hell No!” Instead, Progressives retreated to their corners and progressively signed online petitions and who now quake in their Nikes, fearing Donald Trump becoming President. I am calling for a horde to descend on the front steps of the Senate and demand our President be afforded the same rights every Liberal, white President preceding him was given. Who’s with me?