While the news media is fretting about Joe Biden’s retelling of a war story, the threat of Donald Trump to the health of sick children is moved to the back burner. While the news media frets about a mistake when Biden gave out a campaign text number, Donald Trump is poisoning the planet. Rivals fret over a seventy-something-year old man believing that 40 years ago, women better served their families at home, and in the meantime, Donald Trump threatens the citizenship of 4 Congresswomen of color. No one has ever accused former Vice President Biden of being self-serving, while we watch a self-serving President [Donald Trump] affect our lives every day.
Yesterday when the kerfuffle of Joe Biden, awkwardly trying to bestow virtue on an American soldier, was labeled a loaded weapon for Donald Trump to use against him, just a week earlier Mr. Trump bemoaned the fact he could not give himself the Medal of Honor. Mr. Trump addressing a group of American Veterans in Louisville, Kentucky said, “That was a big day, Medal of Honor,” he continued, “Nothing like the Medal of Honor. I wanted one, but they told me I don't qualify, Woody, I said, 'Can I give it to myself anyway?' They said, 'I don't think that's a good idea.”
A case can be made that Joe Biden is a victim of his time but some of those times reveal a sincerity we are sorely missing in our current politics. Kirsten Gillibrand intimated that Biden was sexist in the July 31st Democratic debate, “he believed that women outside the home would create the ‘deterioration’ of family. He also said that women who were working outside the home were avoiding ‘responsibility,’ stated Gillibrand. Unfortunately, the context was lost. Mr. Biden contended that lower-income families should not be placed in a position to subsidize daycare expenses for higher-income families. In essence, unsalaried women [working from home], and their families would be penalized.
Joe Biden will never be confused with Shakespeare; he is not artful in his use of the language, but I would prefer a gaffer over a liar.
All of this lends itself to the media’s need for a ratings’ horse race in November of 2020. I am afraid we will see a repeat of the ‘Hillary is sick or addled’ stories, with ‘kindly Uncle Joe’ as the new foil that flooded social media and supermarket tabloids. Let me not ignore the fact that Joe Biden is a 76-year-old man who has lived through professional stress and unthinkable personal tragedy. That being said, it is a far cry to equate a man who recently exchanged phone numbers with a young man, who is working to overcome his stutter, much like Joe Biden did, with Mr. Trump who literally is sending sick children to their deaths.
Every Democratic candidate, not a few, but each one recognizes and has a plan to combat climate change. Mr. Trump, just yesterday on the heels of potentially damaging storms wreaking havoc in Florida next week, relaxed the monitoring of methane gas emissions. Simply put, methane emissions hold heat, thereby warming the climate, which in turn raises water temperatures providing more energy for hurricanes. It is called science Mr. Trump, or maybe windmills have not only sickened you but destroyed your hearing as well.
Vote in 2020 for Change.