I am not generally prone to ad hominem attacks but the Trump Party has brought out the worst in me. I was not bothered by the orchestrated anger from Brett Kavanaugh, whose charge of ‘search and destroy’ was apparently a rehearsed defense line because it was echoed by President Trump hours later. I was not surprised by the brazen hypocrisy of Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) who dared talk about ethics when he sat front and center among men who literally stole the Gorsuch Supreme Court seat away from Merrick Garland. I was not even disappointed by Senator Grassley (R-IA) who circumvented Illinois Democratic Senator Dick Durbin’s question when he pointedly asked Judge Kavanaugh to open himself up to a real investigation.
I listened carefully once more to the somber tones of Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ), highlighted by his usual impassioned voice quivering delivery, this time sympathetic to Dr. Ford. Flake has repeated this performance over and over in opposition to the current President’s character and competence. As usual, Flake recanted his opposition after making a public declaration in support of further investigation and said he will now vote to move the nomination of Kavanaugh out of committee and on to a full vote by the Senate. In the middle of Flake’s emotional appeal for respect for both Kavanaugh and Ford, I sent a text message to a colleague, “Senator Flake must spend a lot of time shaving two-faces…”
I understand the back and forth of dirty politics and the melodrama displayed by Senator Graham. As unethical as it was, I saw the worth in Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s strategy in keeping the court seat open until after the 2016 election. In turn, I had hoped the Democrats used every tactic available until the mid-term vote to keep a seat available until the 2020 Presidential election. What I cannot countenance is this deliberate attempt by Flake to straddle the fence of cowardice. In his own party, he stood up to Donald Trump until his fears of losing an election, as opposed to his honor, drove his decision to quit his Senate re-election race. The standard of truth and morality in politics, that the Republican Party has figuratively rammed down our throats since Reagan and the Moral Majority no longer exist and they need to admit it. Two women Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME) have complained in sometimes vehement terms for the rights of women to control their bodies and reproductive rights, yet they voted for Neil Gorsuch who judicial record is in vehement opposition to both their positions.
Flake avoided two key Senate votes this year, as a testament to his teetering ineffectiveness and bluster. On August 1st, 2018 Bills HR 5515 and 6147 came up for a vote. HR 6147 would have continued money designated by the EPA for the supervision and maintenance of wildlife, the National Park Service and Wildfire Management, in particular. In addition to that and more importantly HR 5515 was the Defense Authorization Act, which is the major funding bill for the United States military. I was not angry with his vote because I had no chance, he did not vote.
I am writing this column in real time and watching the Senate Judiciary Committee’s final arguments on moving Judge Kavanaugh through the process. At exactly 12:16 pm Jeff Flake rose from his seat, made his way over to Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) and beckoned him to follow him outside the hearing room. Be careful Senator Coons you do not know which Flake is talking.
Vote in ’18 for Change.