No one has ever accused Vice President Mike Pence of not loving America, despite all his moralistic claptrap and saccharine filled fawning over President Trump. I think I may have seen him stumble once, in an effort to stop his natural reflex to genuflect when Trump enters a room. Whether this show of reverence is genuine, a master plan, as is the belief of some, or just his trained response to perceived piousness, I will leave to your interpretation. I do know this past weekend the Vice President may have revealed his hole card, a phrase familiar to you weekend poker players.
In a commencement speech to the graduating cadets at the Coast Guard Academy Mr. Pence uttered these words, “To lead heroes, you must be a hero. To lead them, you must be worthy of them (21:52 mark). Pence paused at the end of what I am sure he thought was a sobering and applause-worthy soliloquy, to an eerie silence. Maybe people saw the hypocrisy in his words as they relate to his boss, and perhaps Pence saw an opening…
Pence is the consummate politician…
I am not sure in his case if that is an insult or a compliment. When you watch his body movements, his carefully crafted voice inflection, his almost reverential hushed tones when he thinks he is making an emotional point, the crescendo builds to nothingness and is overwhelmingly hypocritical and boring.
Mike Pence is the man who has said repeatedly he cannot eat a meal or drink alcohol, for pleasure or for business, with a woman without his wife present. A man, who as the Governor of Indiana, held the state hostage over the rights of gay and lesbian citizens to have fair access to conduct retail business. An anti-abortionist, who sees no reason or exception to terminate a pregnancy, an LGBTQ antagonist who sees hell as the final destination for non-CIS gendered individuals, a man who would unapologetically choose God over the country. Yet he chooses to ride shotgun for a man who is anathema to everything he professes to believe. Trump has gone so far as to reportedly, command a slush fund for his extramarital affairs, uses the camouflage of his office to regularly spew vulgarities, steals from the taxpayers, compromised the most precious commodity we have in this country—free elections, and breaks the 9th Commandment like BS’er in a china shop.
For a man of so-called integrity, his virtuous halo slips a little further every day. Recently he [Pence] praised Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was convicted of criminal contempt for violating the rights of Latinos in Arizona and pardoned by Donald Trump. The former Maricopa County, Arizona sheriff was praised by Pence as a “champion of the law.” Arpaio who has used the phrase “Mexican bitches” to describe Latinos and was using what the Huffington Post called “bizarre and draconian tactics” in his prison system, was held up as a man to be admired by Pence. Mike Pence seems to be dancing around the fire, keeping just enough distance to stay warm, but not get burned Mike you had better keep the asbestos suit nearby, those hell fires may be burning for you.
Vote in ’18 for Change.