Do not be fooled by the glib circumlocution skills of George Will or the scathing vitriolic condemnation of Donald Trump by Rick Wilson or Jennifer Rubin. Will got a lot of praise a week ago for his takedown of Donald Trump, but at the root of his disgust is his longing for a polished, not a slickly veneered huckster. Tax cutting, entitlement busting, reduction of environmental regulations, immigration and xenophobic dogma has been the bread and butter of the Republican’s party since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Sure it gives us all a tickle when Will calls Trump a lickspittle demagogue or Rick Wilson waxes, not poetically but heatedly, about Donald Trump, “screwing a porn star” or Jennifer Rubin penning column after column calling Trump a racist and a sexist when her past is full of anti-Democratic sarcasm.
Some of you will remember former Republican President Richard Nixon started the EPA, to appease anti-war protesters, unfortunately for Republicans Nixon is the last pro-EPA GOP-er they remember. I will give credit to them for being consistently wrong. I would have a lot more respect for Republicans who brought us deficits, following the surplus years of Bill Clinton, if they could ever admit they were wrong. The act is never to say Medicare works, government saving the economy or cleaning up the environment was the right thing to do, instead, they say, ‘both sides do it.’ When have you ever watched a fight and the loser looks up from the canvas and says, “put ice on the winner’s eye, I think I hurt his hand.” At times it is best to say, yeah, he won that round. Even President George H.W., Bush misread his own lips with his “no new taxes” pledge and had to admit it was just an old lie.
The junior Bush tried the same tactic as his Dad and it took Barack Obama seven years to pilot the ship of former fools to shore. Whenever Republicans think they are in the sanctum of secrecy they tell a truth. Marco Rubio admitted two weeks ago the tax cuts may be a bust, “Government has an essential role to play in buffering this transition,” he said. “If we basically say everyone is on their own and the market’s going to take care of it, we will rip the country apart, because millions of good, hardworking people lack the means to adapt.” Rubio finished by saying, “…there’s no evidence whatsoever that the [tax cut] money’s been massively poured back into the American worker.”
Beware of wolves in cheap Chinese made clothing…
I would never encourage a Democrat to turn an ally away, but I would warn that you not turn your back. A prominent New York Democrat once said about Hillary Clinton, “I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she’s given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job. I like her.” -Republican Donald J. Trump.
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