I listened to President Trump last night address the South Korean National Assembly, regaling them with both praises of their native golfers and horror stories. The problem is the world is so jaded by the constant prevarication of this president you must question every word. There lies the rub of the American psyche, we do not know when our leader is auditioning a line for the TV program in his head or telling the truth.
Leaving out the anecdotes about babies in buckets and a commercial for one of his golf courses, Mr. Trump read the scrolling words on his teleprompter and did not embarrass the country. What a low bar we have set and accepted. America is reduced to holding its breath and hoping we can avoid humiliation.
Of course, we got a little vintage Trump, prior to the speech, when he could not help himself and threw Ed Gillespie under the bus with a tweet, after his [Gillespie’s] loss in the Virginia gubernatorial race. Trump said Gillespie did not “embrace me…” I am not quite sure what an embrace would have done since Trump loss the state by five points to Hillary Clinton in 2016. A popular comedian in the 1960’s named Norm Crosby made a living using malapropisms in his monologues. Sometimes I think Mr. Trump read his book… We have learned new words like covfefe, diversary(sic) and we are all looking forward to our vacation in “Nambia.”
Ordinarily, these would be overlooked as trivial word stumbles or misspeak, that would be expected from anyone using the English language so often. The President of the United States has set himself up as such an arbiter of perfection, that he has laid a trap for himself with critics. I have, “one of the greatest memories of all time.”“I have like a very high aptitude,” his surrogates say he has, Herculean stamina, “doc, I’ll be the healthiest President ever.” We all know this is teenage braggadocio, but the fear is Donald Trump may believe his own hyperbole. He feeds off the attention and like most narcissist needs it to survive. The North Korean government released a statement yesterday saying they would not listen to the “mad dog.” Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and even George W. Bush who proclaimed North Korea a part of, “the axis of evil” would brush off these taunts as ramblings of a repressive regime, but will Trump. During his speech President Trump seemed to repeat a threat he made back in August, committing South Korea to aggressively intervening for the United States. The South Korean President Moon-Jae responded, “Only the Republic of Korea can make the decision for military action on the Korean Peninsula,” Would Trump, throw Moon and consequently South Korea under the tank for not embracing him?
The President of the United States does not understand the concept of autonomy in his own country, the DOJ, FBI, or the Judiciary, why would he respect the autonomy of some ‘lesser’ nation, in his mind? Repeated reports that the man-child is growing increasingly isolated and his narcissism challenged scares me. The Nuclear Football is only minutes away.
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