Channel: William Owens/ReasonaBill
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The Crass is always Meaner


Donald Trump is so crass that not being respected is no problem for him, his Achilles heel is his psychotic need to be liked.  It is abundantly clear that the President of the United States is not concerned about world respect, Boy Scout respect, respect from law enforcement and the military or even respect from fellow Republicans.  I believe he lies awake at night with a disembodied voice in his head echoing his thoughts, do they like me, do they really like me.

When leaders of the world laugh at him http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/15/asia/turnbull-trump-australia-speech/index.html he scheduled foreign visits.  When the Chief Executive of the Boy Scouts, was placed in the embarrassingly awkward position of having to apologize for an American President;https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/27/us/boy-scouts-trump-apology.html Trump issued a specious statement saying the scouts really thought his speech was the “greatest” ever https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/politics/2017/08/02/boy-scouts-dispute-trumps-greatest-ever-claim-his-speech/104218670/.  The military has rebuked him for his pseudo, twitter driven, transgender armed services ban and even his biggest support, law enforcement, was forced to expose his outrageous call for police brutality during the completion of an arrest of a SUSPECT. http://www.nbcnews.com/video/trump-to-police-don-t-be-too-nice-when-arresting-cartel-suspects-1012360771943.

Donald Trump long ago gave up any semblance of commanding respect for his acumen or leadership he just wanted to be a liked.  In front of xenophobic rednecks, “build that wall” to police officers, “please, don’t be too nice.” Send me the bill [health care] I am at my desk with pen in hand, to Republicans.  Despite not knowing any details or having any coherent explanation of how it would benefit the country, including his own constituency, he just wants to have someone like him.

The everyman, crass, unapologetic, shoot from the lip, cartoon politician act is wearing thin.  As a man of color, my greatest worry is he will retreat to the last constituency he has not offended... yet.  The so-called, downtrodden, white working-class man.  Of course, like most of the muddled mess in the President’s head, the basis for his actions will be just as confused.  Just yesterday it was leaked that the Department of Justice, ironically using money from its civil rights division, is going after colleges and universities who discriminate against the unfairly treated white American https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/01/us/politics/trump-affirmative-action-universities.html. This action serves two purposes it takes money away from the true injustice of voter suppression investigations and makes Trump’s base like him even more.

Let me not disparage the plight of the white man, they have had it so hard. Higher education, housing, job discrimination, property ownership, Black folks we need to lighten up and give the white man his fair share.  In the state of North Carolina ( where my oldest son was born), it was not only illegal for slaves to learn to read and write, for fear knowledge would cause insurrection, but it became unlawful in 1830 for anyone to teach stolen Africans to read http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/slaveprohibit.html.  Donald Trump found his political footing by claiming that former President Barack Obama was not a real African- American but just an African.  He groomed his base and expanded the idea.  Mexicans, Muslims, and women became pawns in his game of thrones.  This has subjected us to repeated firings at the White House, a foul-mouthed permutation of WH staff from a surrogate and the introduction of alternative facts.  

Maybe the only way to stop the madness is for America to go on a constant recitation of Presidential pleasing superlatives. On second thought, maybe the man who needs to be liked so much, really needs to earn respect.   

Vote in 18’ for Change.  

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