Channel: William Owens/ReasonaBill
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Would Senator Ron Johnson sell this man a used Car?


“We've done something with our healthcare system that you never even think about doing, for example, with auto insurance, where you'd require auto insurance companies to sell a policy to somebody after they crashed their car.” -Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meet-press-june-25-2017-n776471

So, let me get this straight, my grandsons who were born on the autism spectrum, or one of my sisters who has survived two bouts or cancer, or me, who has an inherited disorder, passed from my Mom, clinically called HHT http://curehht.org/ we were careless drivers…

Suppose I accept Sen. Johnson’s premise, my family and I were just bad drivers and crashed into a ditch. The Republican proposal to junk the car I need to get to work, school or a doctor and replace it with a bicycle with either one or two flat tires, even struck Donald Trump with a moment of clarity and he called it, “mean”http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/337651-trump-calls-house-healthcare-bill-mean.

The fake Republican battle to call a tax break bill a healthcare debate is laughable.

There is no debate about cutting taxes for the rich in the “moderate” voices of Senators Susan Collins (R- Maine) or Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska). Both these women want something, keeping the Planned Parenthood platform alive for future political fodder, in their slightly left of center constituencies.  Neither Collins nor Murkowski, have made a point of not giving an average of 7 million dollars in tax cuts, over the next ten years, to each of the riches 400 hundred families in America http://247wallst.com/healthcare-economy/2017/01/12/americas-400-richest-taxpayers-could-get-7-million-tax-cuts-if-aca-is-repealed/.  I am sure it comes as no surprise, to anyone paying attention, that we are not getting healthier in the United States, so making the purchase of healthcare affordable, we have access, is a key element to life and security.  Hey conservatives, a healthy fighting force and work productivity would both be impacted.  Senator Shelley Capito (R-West Virginia) has shown compassion but she is bobbing and weaving the tax break gloved fist punching at her as well, for her pet project of opioid addiction in her rural districts.  

As an aside, the opioid crisis is a tangible example of white privilege. The crack epidemic that affected mainly people of color escalated criminal punishment, the white opioid crisis has spurred the call for treatment resources… funny how that happened, huh?

The Republican party seems to be partitioning itself into three wings, the moderates Capito, Murkowski and Collins who want to be heroes to women, the center wing, led by re-election embattled incumbent, Dean Heller(R-Nevada) and the hard right who think that just “mean” is too easy on the takers, led by Senators Rand Paul(R-Kentucky) Ted Cruz(R-Texas) Mike Lee(R-Utah) and Ron Johnson(R-Utah).

The one thing all three wings agree on, is the idea that 40 years of failing to make trickledown economics work, is worth one more try. Senator Murkowski, to her credit said, “So when did we get to the point where we said no, we’re not going to talk to Democrats about a fix? We should be working with our colleagues on the other side of the aisle. We should be working with our colleagues in the other chamber”http://blabber.buzz/politics/conservative-videos/173545-gop-sen-murkowski-this-is-not-for-republicans-to-fix-we-have-to-work-with-dems-on-health-care. Although this is a treasonous statement to conservatives, from a liberal perspective, I will give credit where it is earned.  

During the upcoming July 4th congressional break, and when the protest start at town halls all over America, watch the Republicans take a deep breath when they say, we our looking out for the American people, oh and try not to laugh... or cry.        

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