Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), tv talker and ‘The View’ co-host Jedediah Bila and even longtime Republican political consultant Mary Matalin, when cornered with their advocacy for the GOP will quickly demure and say no. no; I am a Libertarian. When the policy failed they bailed. The break for Mary Matalin was the rise of the pinnacle of awful, Donald Trump. Bila, who was a Fox News contributor and rallied the anti-Obama forces weekly, parlayed a Sean Hannity conspiracy theory appearance, alongside Steve Bannon, into a regular job.
When the subject of conservative politics comes up on TheView, she announces in a perfunctory tone, “I am a Libertarian.” Following that bit of truth stretching, for the liberal audience that now pays her paycheck, she then goes on to forcefully defend people and institutions like Mike Pence and Fox News.
That leaves us with Rand Paul the biggest Libertarian/ Republican fraud in the Senate. Paul, who once publicly railed against the cost and morality of drone strikes… when push came to shove, proposed an increase in the defense budget Now Democrats and healthcare proponents are counting on four Republican Senators, Paul, Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) to save millions from being thrown off healthcare coverage roles.
This is a fool’s errand, these gentlemen are not trying to save or improve healthcare, their objection comes from the perspective that Trumpcare is not bad enough.
They want a complete repeal of the Affordable Care Act, damn the consequences.
Just as it is hard to find a George W. Bush supporter it is getting increasingly hard to find a public Trump supporter. Oh, you will hear the occasional, “give him a chance” or, “I am willing to see…” With the exception of his paid minions or those looking for tv time, Trump-ites only wear their MAGA hats when then can be a part of his red sea.
Mary Matalin who for years was willing to endure real and staged public battles with her long-time husband, Democratic strategist James Carville, jump shipped prior to the election. How many of you think she is still not espousing the Republican ideology at every turn? Matalin who in the past called supporters of health reform “jihadist” has softened that snappy line recently but not the sentiment.
My point is, with all the talk of divide, partisanship and polarization, the Republican Party has convinced portions of America that pain is good. Democrats have an exploitable breach but instead are calling for the head of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. The continued Hillary/Bernie debates and castigating party faithful who do not take a vow of poverty have left the Democrats paralyzed. Former President Obama recently took a 400,000 dollar speaking fee and predictably party purist called him a sellout!. It should be noted that Bill Maher, who famously contributed one-million dollars to the Obama campaign, has since been engaged in a long running battle with the former President over his refusal to appear on the highly rated HBO show, ‘Realtime.’ Buying influence much…?
I may be a little prejudiced because I am an old guy but I watched an old warhorse, Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, steal a Supreme Court appointment in the person of Neil Gorsuch. He[McConnell] is now on a mission to give tax breaks to the richest 400 hundred families in America. Given his druthers the protesters dragged from the halls outside his office yesterday, will never return. Unfortunately, without Medicaid, a lot will die The answer is not to dump Nancy Pelosi or her wisdom and experience. I am all for a transfusion of new blood but I want it to match my genotype not one tainted by Republican needling and barbs.
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