With White House press secretary Sean Spicer unraveling at the edges like a dime store rug, I would laugh but America is in danger of tripping and falling on its face. Day after day I read countless stories pointing out the obvious failures of decorum and political sobriety of the President of the United States, including my own. Lurking in the background are real problems. The President has given no public statement of assurance to the American people following two weeks of missile launches into the Sea of Japan by North Korea. Kim Jong Un has publicly stated that his goal is to perfect an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile capable of reaching the United States http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/30/world/asia/kim-jong-un-of-north-korea-orders-missile-readiness.html.
Yesterday WikiLeaks, who more and more is acting like an arm for Russian communications, released an alleged cache of CIA surveillance operations strategies. The neo-progressives, who applaud this, are so anxious to create a global utopia of openness, are acting like the conservative Freedom Caucus, win at all cost. I am an old fashion liberal. I am not a neo-progressive who believes you must say America is bad, to demonstrate purity. To the contrary, it makes me want to perfect my union. I am the descendant of slaves, brought to this country in the bowels of slave ships, not as an immigrant. I am one of the products of America’s imperfection.
Those of you who are the offspring of internment camp atrocities or the surviving descendants of “Operation Wetback”
you are in line with native Americans and African slaves who survived the genocide of millions. I do not need lectures from drum beating progressives about, how can I be magnanimous about the horrors of American history, I am fully aware and love my country. The predecessor of Donald Trump, President Barack Obama, was fond of saying, “don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” On the surface that statement may sound as if it trivializes America’s role in world tragedy, but truth often sounds mundane. I am a proud member of the resistance to the pathology, that again, has taken over America.
The President [Trump] is giving aid and comfort to a foreign power [ Russia] and it makes me want to fight back. My people did not roll over, had they I would not be here. The same for the Japanese, Mexicans, Chinese, Jews, Women, Native Americans and other victims of fake superiority. In less than ten days the order to ban Muslims, no matter the subterfuge, from this country takes effect. The result of this is victims of oppression, and tyranny are being interred in their own countries. I am not an apologist of the U.S. I am a lover of it. When you have a child that breaks a window, you do not change your family’s names and deny culpability. You pay for the repair, punish your child, hug them later and forgive. My God! Yes, it is difficult for me to say I forgive you America at times, but I do.
The current crisis in the White House is another challenge for the citizens of the greatest country in the world. We can either wither under the pressure and become a fascist nation or live up the creed of the founders. The Declaration of Independence means something. Let’s not throw out the baby with the bath water.
’18 and Change’