The thought of Donald Trump on a “thank you tour” turns my stomach. The old tropes of, “lock her up” and “build that wall” were once again trotted out last night. Trump’s supporters were gleefully dancing and shouting, the only things missing were nooses, white hoods and Oak trees.
Now that I have gotten that mini rant out of the way, let me try and express some sort of coherent feeling about what I stared wide eyed at on my television set last night. The braggadocios narcissism displayed by the President-elect was breathtaking. Anyone with enough stomach to watch, saw him prove a theory I have espoused for over a year; Donald Trump does not want the job of President he wants to bask in the glory of the title. Scottie Nell Hughes, a Trump surrogate said on NPR, [t]here’s no such thing, unfortunately, anymore of facts.” She seemed to say Mr. Trump is entitled to his own set of facts, The absurdity of legitimizing innuendo and conjecture as fact is to fly in the face of reason. That is like saying the moon is made of green cheese, because I said so! (when we all know its Swiss, right?)
Donald Trump has made a mockery of the most powerful government and democracy in the world. He has publicly solicited the help of Vladimir Putin to hack the Democratic National Committee, paid restitution for running a fraudulent university, admitted to self-dealing with his charitable organization and advocated locking up his vanquished opponent. In recent days, another racist felt comfortable enough to insult the First Lady of the United States. Dr. Michelle Herren, “who works at the Denver Health Medical Center, Children’s Hospital Colorado, claims she didn’t know the term “monkey face” was offensive, and that people are taking her Facebook post out of context.” So I am to believe, that a board certified doctor did not know that calling someone of African descent “a monkey face” is racist. Trump has created such a delusional atmosphere amongst his supporters, they have concluded that open racism and other forms of hatred is reasonable, we just don’t understand the context, as Dr. Herren expressed. This is the third incident in a week of open bigotry and race baiting in the news.
Every dog has its day and the Trumpians are sniffing their leader. I have white friends who support Mr. Trump and as a Black American they tell me, “give him a chance.” Well he is rapidly squandering his chances by not denouncing this sort of behavior. He was quick with the twitter distraction for the cast of the musical, Hamilton. He was eager to admonish Jill Stein’s fundraising efforts for a vote recount as a money scam, but somehow, he remains silent on issues that scare a portion of the public he has promised to bring into his tent. At my age, I am not eager to enter that tent anyway, for fear of bodily harm. Reporters are held in press pens, peaceful dissenters are mocked and beaten and rallies have become shouting, flag waving Klan rallies.
Mr. Trump wants to jail citizens who burn the flag, how about those who use it as toilet paper to wipe away the reputation of the United States he is soiling?
Vote 2018, it’s not too late!