Am I alone, in being disturbed by the fact, Republican Anti-Trumpeters never mention his dehumanization of non-whites as a major factor for their opposition?
I am aware of one issue voters, see gun owners, and those who have economic ideologies differing from the Democratic Party. The crude comments that became openly acceptable, amidst the word salad tirades of former V.P. candidate Sarah Palin, were masked by a pretty smile. Couple that with the sexist fantasies of middle aged white men who wanted to deliver her a pizza and be greeted at the door with her only wearing an apron and high heels, were perfectly willing to excuse her ignorance. The Republicans attempted to accuse Democrats of sexism when they pointed out her glaring shortcomings. They were willing to excuse her lack of qualifications or intellectual curiosity because it came in a sexy package. Conservatives never liked Sarah Palin, they liked the idea of sticking a thumb in their opponent’s eye.
The idea of ignoring the importance of Donald Trump’s bleating sounds of racial discontent at every whistle stop is the height of conservative white privilege.
Donald Trump is not endowed with movie star looks or a come hither smile. So, no longer blinded by their sexism, the recognition of an unfit candidate is prevailing. The problem is the avoidance of the true moral reason, RACISM! As a man of color, any argument based on issues is useless if you allow a party that is attempting to legislate you into extinction, wins.
The so-called white working class voter, much like Log Cabin Republicans, are the epitome of not only voting against their own interest but literally voting against their own existence; this demographic is always touted as the key to winning for Trump, they have become masochist. They are voting for a man who is on record as stiffing the working man, small business owners and vendors while building his empire on the backs of those blinded by the wool over their eyes. He has one key element, the same thing Ronald Reagan gave Republicans, permission to be openly racist. You still hear the bogus Welfare Queen analogy he used to turn people of color into takers not makers, thanks Paul Ryan. I live in Philadelphia and make a point of speaking to at least one Trump supporter every day. I am sincerely trying to understand the appeal, but it is hard watching the self-flagellation. People are devoted to Trump and blindly follow him on faith as if it were a religious experience. The problem is once you pull out the pin of reason to burst their bubble of superiority the arguments became incoherent and fact-less.
I asked my newly found Republican devotee if he thought Trump was a racist, he stared at my black skin and rubbed his brow, tilted his head to the side and said, “If they, ehh were all like you I wouldn’t mind.” I asked him, “do you realize you are setting a monolithic standard of how all Black men should act?” Once I explained what monolithic meant, the idea of staying in your place because I was respectful toward him, wore a tie and seemed non-threatening, made me, one of the good ones, in his eyes. I was waiting for him to tell me I was not like the “ones” in Chicago (the standard conservative default). The Republican Party has come face to face with science, gender acculturation and a rapidly changing ethnic demographic. In light of these factors, self-permitting acceptance of crude racism as an alternative has been granted. Donald John Trump has fed into the fear of a loss dominance, to such a degree, that open chants as documented by a video from the New York Times with shouts of “kill her,”“Trump that bitch!” and “Build a wall -kill them all,” are now common place at Trump meetings. Open xenophobia and racism have found a bosom to snuggle, in the heartland of America and once more, rest its ugly head.
Vote 2016