Channel: William Owens/ReasonaBill
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Republicans Have Padlocked the American Government


It may be hyperbolic to say America is entering its most significant year since the American Revolution, but here goes. In November of 2024, the American people will decide if the country becomes a Hitler-like fascist state or end what has been described as the most successful experiment in democracy with a thud. The signs are all around us. Unfortunately, only a few Republican politicians maintained absolute loyalty to America’s institutions, even if you disagree with their policies. As much as I opposed almost every political instinct and utterance from former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, she put country before party at a crucial time. Her disloyal partner, as described by Republican cultists and enablers, was Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill)—both prominent participants in the January 6 Committee.

The first alert to America moving in the wrong direction was after 9/11, and the term “Homeland” gained prominence. The noun Homeland became an adverb, making it easier to move toward autocracy. Oh sure, fancy names like The Patriot Act made us feel better, but what happened was the conditioning of the people to accept the slow stripping of their rights. No-knock warrants and torture became topics of debate and not condemnation. Rendition and confinements without due process became policy. All the while, whenever Democrats protested and sounded alarms, they were called unpatriotic. The moves toward climate security and tax fairness are called socialist plots. What is uncommon, unlike when President Franklin Roosevelt was accused of moving the country into socialism, is a GOP Congress refusing to legislate. Of course, Roosevelt had huge, overwhelming majorities, which made his life easier, but Republicans were at least willing to voice their opposition through participation.

Today’s Republican party is satisfied with standing on the sidelines and throwing rocks. In 2023, the Republican-led House voted 724 times and passed only 27 bills that became law. Juxtapose that against the last year of the House led by Democrat Nancy Pelosi in 2022. Speaker Pelosi held 549 votes and passed 284 bills that became law. There is a key to the padlock on Congress, but the leaders must be willing to turn it away from the fringe. When the Republicans duck and cover when it comes to the wishes of Representatives like Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Lauren Boebert, it not only demonstrates their hypocrisy but implicates their overall cowardice.  

The Republican party, which is fond of touting Lincoln’s freeing of the enslaved, is perfectly willing to try and hide and revise why it was necessary. Former South Carolina Governor and Republican primary candidate for President Nikki Haley is embroiled in a controversy of her own making. When asked about the origins of the Civil War, she, for the expediency of politics, explained its causes and conveniently omitted slavery. Given a second chance during the same town hall session, the questioner stated, “In the year 2023, it’s astonishing to me that you answer that question without mentioning the word ‘slavery.’” Haley had a moment for honest redress on the issue but punted with her response, What do you want me to say about slavery?” she asked.

The coalition of Americans that can turn that lock back on accepting criminality, corruption, and just plain wrong politics still exists and must coalesce before November. President Joe Biden is not a bare-chested autocrat riding a horse or a man who promised to be a dictator for one day (good luck with that), a direction conservatism is leaning. Joe Biden is a man who honestly cares about saving America’s soul, and we all deserve the chance to keep America free.

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